Latest Reviews / Quick Looks:

Off Grid Technology

I never leave home without my BTECH UV-Pro and my Sofirn SR12. Great EDC Items
#btech #sofirn #sofirnsr12 #uvpro #hamradio #edc #flashlight #offgrid #offgridtechnology #camping
4 weeks ago

I have started working on a webpage based tool that will convert Chirp exported .csv files to the BTECH UV-Pro/VGC VR-N76 format to be imported into the App.
It’s in Alpha but working thus far. Would love to hear some feedback.
#btech #uvpro #vgc #vrn76 #ham #offgrid #offgridtechnology #baofeng #feng #uhf #vhf #hamradio #gmrs
4 weeks ago

If your in love with your BTECH UV-Pro/ Vero NR-N76 your gonna love this. Their mobile line is getting an upgrade from the 7500. This supposedly will have the same KISS TnC features as the handheld. Look at that speaker mic. 🤤
#vero #vrn76 #aprs #ham #vhf #uhf #bluetooth #btech #uvpro #ble #kisstnc #tnc #offgrid #gmrs #offgridtechnology #comms
1 month ago

The BTECH UV-Pro is hands down the best Dual Band analog radio for the money. Feature packed and the best feature of all is that KISS TNC. Do you have one? What’s your thoughts on this radio?
#btech #uvpro #kisstnc #bluetooth #usbc #baofeng #vero #vrn76 #hamradio #gmrs #vhf #aprs #winlink
1 month ago

Listening to local VHF repeaters on my backup EDC radio I carry in my truck. With the special firmware and unlock code sequence you can get full use from this amazing radio.
Ailunce / Retevis HA1G Expanded Frequency Unlock#gmrs #unlocked #shtf #ip67 #offgrid #offgridtechnology #ailunce #retevis #ha1g
3 months ago